Monday, June 30, 2008
Birthday Weekend

Bonnie was cool about it though. She didn't get excited or anything..

While the others played the game Jon and I downed our beers. (Okay, it was cream soda, but Eric gave us these huge steins and when we poured our drinks in them Jon and I thought it was a perfect opportunity to get a Look! We're in a bar drinking, but not really drinking picture)
Happy Birthday Jess! I hope it was a fun 25th!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Jess and Aimee!

(Aimee and I never would have met without our husbands. Bob and Sean (Aimee's hub) have been great friends forever. Then when I married Bob, he introduced me to Sean and Aimee and I have loved them ever since. Just wish we could see them more!)
Happy Birthday Jess and Aimee!
Friday, June 27, 2008
weekend o' swimming..

Word to the wise.

I may or may not have experienced this first hand last night while getting in my car. And I may or may not have gotten completely drenched in cola. (head to my little pinkie toe)
Forcing me to do the three flights of stairs walk of shame, and trying to see through my cola speckled glasses.
All the while Bob just sits there shaking his head and saying "How does this stuff keep happening to you?"
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Just For Fun...

Yes, I think you can dance.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

She can't sleep.
(and is forced to use legal stimulants to keep her awake at work... seriously didn't I learn after 1408?!)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Lil' Poopsie

Meet Poopsie. This is the trainer baby Bob and I gave Gavin and Jessica when they told us they were preggo. Poopsie is a unisex baby (until they find out what they are having) that poops sugar. He/She enjoys being held and taken everywhere with His/Her parents. I am sure that Poopsie is very happy with his/her new parents... and that they aren't being neglectful at all (ahem Gavin) We wouldn't want sweet lil' Poopsie to be dropped off of any high spots, set on fire, or used for baking purposes. If that were to happen we might have to call the SCPA (sugar/child/protective/agency)
Lemonade Cake

Lemonade Cupcakes
white cake mix
3 eggs
8 oz cream cheese, softened
8 oz sour cream
6 oz lemonade concentrate, thawed; reserve 2 T for frosting
Mix together on high for 3 minutes.
Fill muffin tins 3/4 full and bake at 350 degrees for 18-22 minutes.
1 can cream cheese frosting
2 T reserved lemonade from above
Makes 30 cupcakes
But then I realized that I didn't have any cupcake liners. So I used the same recipe and did bundt cake instead. All I had to do was bake it longer. This recipe is so easy and so worth making. It was tasty and great for summer. Next time I make it I think I will put strawberries on top. Definitely a summer treat I would recommend. But I would make them cupcakes because of how rich they are. Enjoy!
Monday, June 23, 2008
jonnie bean shoes
Oh Baby!
Okay, that being said. Congratulations are in order for the Swenson's! We actually found out a while ago, but have had to be hush hush about it till now. We are so excited for them! This is a picture of us at Ruth's Diner right after they told us.
After we sat down, Jessica told us she had taken a picture she was really proud of and wanted to show us. (Which we thought was a little strange.) Then she pulled out this.
I was a little emotional due to the time of month, and burst out crying. I am just so excited! I want to hold the baby now! It must be baby season.. My sister in law, Alana, and now Jessica are all preggo. I am excited to see all of the sweet babies! Congrats you guys!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Would You Rather (5)
For one night stand outside a busy restaurants bathroom and tell everyone who went in that you wear a diaper.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tandem? Who's Tandem?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Quick Recap


Monday, June 16, 2008
Camera + Zack = many photo's