Monday, May 19, 2008

a little more rambling...

funny lil' things that happened this weekend...

-Walked in on a lady going to the bathroom. (she didn't lock the dang door) Then when she came out she patted me and said "Oops! Didn't lock the door!" (NO KIDDING?)

-A girl flipped me off because I was staring at her (I was looking at her and thinking "hmm that's a cute outfit) Apparently she was a little self conscious.

-Bonnie and I ran into each other (literally) at our friends wedding in front of an entire table of people. (and almost spilled our food all over each other)

-Wedding antics that included hiding a certain Wendy's bag. Trying to get into the house to go to the bathroom, and having people look at us like we were trespassing. (Sam Smithson)

-Going to Barnes and Noble and seeing a very very large man dancing, sweating, and rapping all over the beautiful books.

-Watching Caleb, Jon, and Bob play Guitar Hero in creative ways (ie: with their toes, and upside down)

-Watching Bob make an air conditioned fortress, so that no heat could enter into our room. He went as far to get towels to stuff under the doors, and making me slink into the room very quickly so I wouldn't let any of his precious air conditioning out.

1 comment:

Scott and Lindsey said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! The stuff novels are made of :)
Scott and I didn't have air conditioning in our first place and that first year was soo hot. We put wet towels over the fans and stocked up a on otter pops. The worst was when I left the oven on for 2 weeks. I must have cooked, forget to turn it off and then it was so hot we didn't cook again.