My brother brought this home for his girls on Christmas, he called her Dog Johnson so much that it just stuck. So if you ask my two cute nieces what the name of their girl dog is. They will tell you... Dog Johnson. She really doesn't like me or any other person above the age of 10... I think it's because she is bitter about her name.
(making silly faces at dinner, all the while stuffing "free" things into Kim's purse)
(opening presents, eating, and doubling up in teeny tiny beds)
Thanks to everyone who made it fun, can't wait to hang out again soon.
Happy Birthday you guys!
- Bob's Aunt Janey & family live close by (who are so so fun to hang out with)
- Bob's sister Donna lives out there, and we haven't seen her since our open house two years ago!
- Bob's parents live three hours from there and might be able to sneak out to meet us and hang out.
Seattle Con's:
- Should we save the money we would spend there?
- Hotel prices are kind of steep in the city, and out of the city we would have to rent a car, which spells out e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e either way.
- The only hotel that we might be able to afford is probably haunted.
- I would have to take off more time from work than if we went to Zion's
Zion's Pro's:
- It would be a cheap and easy
- Bob has never been
- Road trips are fun and chill
- Would only have to take one day off work
Zion's Con's:
- gas prices suck
- it is going to be blasted hot there
- gets busy there, and we might have trouble finding a good place to camp
Okay, I am finished listing for right now. Any suggestions??
We decided one day that she was going to teach me to cook better. We would get together every Sunday night after the singles ward and make dinner. Those were some of the funnest times in my life. We would cook, and have people over to eat and play games.
I don't see my Brennie as much as I would like. Did I mention this girl is a hard worker? She currently has three jobs! I don't know how she does it. Often I wish I could hop in my time machine and go back to our time together when we would stay up and laugh and talk. She gives the best advice. She is always the girl I go to when I am trying to figure out a tough situation. She knows how to make things better. And if she can't then she makes good treats that make me feel better anyway! I felt like the luckiest girl when she offered to make me this cake for my bridal shower. (my wedding cake was brown with pink dots, so she made this one to match. Just shows how thoughtful she is.)Brenda, I love you girl. Thank you so much for being such a great friend. I know you are always there for me, and remember that even though I am married and live further away, that if you need me, I will be at your door step in minutes. I love you tons. (and miss you like crazy, let's have a girls night soon where we make bad for us food, and chat into the wee hours like old times!)
(I figured this picture would be appropriate considering what day it is)
(yes, this picture is from our wedding, Bob is sporting the Indian hat)
Then on Sunday Kim hosted a fabulous family birthday Fiesta. Full of yummy Mexican food, and don't forget the refried beans that I brought and tried to cook on her stove, but not the burner. (don't ask, Matthew already gave me crap about it!) It was super warm with all of the people in the house, so we ducked into the much cooler basement and played guitar hero. It was fun to see extended family that we only get to see once in a blue moon. All in all a fun weekend.
(Who needs a doctor when you can munch on saltines and sip ginger ale with your Friends?)
*thanks to Dad who supplied me with these things for work today (well minus the Friends!)
Mini Oreo Cheesecakes