Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bob's new job..

Last night I had a dream that Bob came to me and said he was leaving to go camping, and fishing. And that he was doing charity work while we was there. He informed me that he would be excavating and painting fossils for charity. He also said that he would be gone for six months.

I woke up in a panic, hoping that Bob hadn't really left me to go paint fossils. I was relieved to find out it was just a dream. But is this really what I am subconsciously worried about? And further more, what kind of charity work is that anyway??


Peggy said...

That's funny. I love weird dreams. And your stories.

likeschocolate said...

What a crazy detailed dream!

melissa said...

I have those dreams. I wake up mad at my husband like the dream was real.

do people paint fossils?

Ian said...

And anyway, it's always best to leave fossils unpainted, don't you think?