My favorite candy is Reese's. And around Easter time they come out with those heavenly Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. I love them. They are filled with a ton of peanut butter and just a bit of chocolate. (I have always had a thing for peanut butter and chocolate.)
Well one year when I was about eight, one of my aunts forgot my birthday, and to make it up to me, took me to a grocery store and said I could buy a jumbo bag of whatever kind of candy I wanted. Of course I went for the Peanut Butter Eggs. Not even the small one's, the big ones. The eggs that they usually sell individually, are larger than an actual egg, and stuffed to the brim with peanut butter.
I double checked that the whole bag was mine. She confirmed, and I went home to delve in. I am not kidding when I say that by the next morning the entire bag was gone. And I was the sickest I had ever been. I threw up all day long, and ever since, it has haunted me. So when someone offers me one. I politely take just one, and walk away.
I hope you guys have a great Easter! What kind of candy are you going to eat too much of?
easter candy is my downfall
starburst jelly beans, are mine. cannot walk past them
What aunt was that??? Hope it wasn't me!!! I have always loved the plain Hershey chocolate eggs. YUMMY!
those are for sure my favoirte as well. but ever since being pregnant I don't eat a lot of sweet things. They just don't sound good. Other than suckers. That is all I asked for from the Easter Bunny.. oh and a Slap Chop.
Kim, it was Tara. I don't even know if she knew I puked my guts out. Too funny. I guess it was a good lesson in moderation in all things!
We don't eat much candy...but I do love peanut butter and chocolate!
My fav Easter candy is the Milky Way Bunnies. They have changed them over the years but you can still find them if you know what you are looking for. And once you find them you must buy (and henceforth eat) as many bunnies as possible before they disappear again.
I"m trying my hardest right now to stay away from the Robin Eggs.
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