Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our first night in the new apt.

Last night Bob and I moved all of the big stuff to the new place. (ie: bed, armoire, couches, etc..) We just have a bit more before we're all moved in. But it was our first night sleeping in the new place. So to celebrate we ordered a pizza, and in the midst of boxes we ate and watched Arrested Development. (our latest box set addiction)

It was a delightful night. We scuttled to and fro between the two apartments, lugging furniture, listening to Nirvana, talking and laughing.

I even enjoyed a bath in the new apartment. I went from an elf bathtub, to one designed for a regular sized person. I could stretch out and do cartwheels in there. Okay, maybe not cartwheels per se, but you get the idea. I kept prancing around and singing "I love our new place" in a little sing song voice. Bob just rolled his eyes and lovingly called me a nerd. It was a pretty fun night in the new BobCat apartment.

Oh and have you seen Arrested Development? It's pretty hilarious.


Shan @ Design Gal said...

arrested development is HILARIOUS! and i love big tubs too! i told andrew when we have the $$ to redo our bathroom, i'm putting in a TALL tub! i love to be covered in water, rather than feeling like i'm sitting in a kiddie pool!

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

I was SO sad when they pulled AD. it was one of my favorites.

we have a big tub in our house- when we first moved in we were all excited to take a bath in thee- turns out it is so big that our water heater doesn't make enough hot water to make it more than luke warm- it was pretty silly/sad!

glad your new place is feeling like home already

Anonymous said...

Yeah! :)


Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

Great!! Sounds like home already, doesn't it?

Coleman Family said...

Congrats on the new place!

Jess said...

Arrested Development is pretty much one of my favs. I want to come see the new place!

Katie said...

Caity, I love you. You make me L.O.L.

I LOVE Arrested Development. What season are you on? My fav (so far) is the Charlie Brown episode in season 2. (I think... they all run together when you watch them on dvd you know.)

Francesca said...

I didn't realize you hadn't actually moved yet. What did you do all this time:)? Hope you're enjoying your new space!