Monday, October 26, 2009
Ciao for now.

Friday, October 23, 2009
The Item

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Our first night in the new apt.
It was a delightful night. We scuttled to and fro between the two apartments, lugging furniture, listening to Nirvana, talking and laughing.
I even enjoyed a bath in the new apartment. I went from an elf bathtub, to one designed for a regular sized person. I could stretch out and do cartwheels in there. Okay, maybe not cartwheels per se, but you get the idea. I kept prancing around and singing "I love our new place" in a little sing song voice. Bob just rolled his eyes and lovingly called me a nerd. It was a pretty fun night in the new BobCat apartment.
Oh and have you seen Arrested Development? It's pretty hilarious.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My dream..
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Pillow Talk

Monday, October 19, 2009
I don't have a high tolerance for cold medicine.
Friday, October 16, 2009
My life is one step away from Friday night Bingo.
He came into my work, and I was blown away. I could have closed my eyes and pictured Liam Neeson talking to me.
I relayed this to Eric in an email yesterday, and as I was typing, I realized..
This is the most interesting thing that's happened all week. I lead a pretty boring life. So here's to an interesting and exciting weekend! Maybe I'll try my hand at skydiving or swimming with sharks... or sleeping in and getting rid of this head cold. Hey nothing says exciting like NyQuil and cough drops.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The tallest stalker I have ever met (cont.)
Later that night I was getting ready for bed. It was about 2 a.m. and I get a text from who else, but Mr. Tall. It read "How was working at the "snack bar" today?"
I was put off by the fact that he thought it was okay to send me a text at 2 a.m. and also confused that he was contacting me at all. I thought I had been pretty clear about not being interested. I ignored the text and went to bed.
The next night I was hanging out with my friend from the party, and he called again. She convinced me to answer the phone and talk to him. He was pretending like nothing was weird, and asked me again when we could hang out. Apparently he thought I was playing hard to get or something.
Keep in mind I had contacted him once, and he had called and texted me in just a three day time period about six times. Now, I'm not someone who likes confrontation, but I definitely didn't think I was sending him mixed signals. I politely declined his offer to hang out.
He wouldn't take no for an answer. He then texted me again that night around 1 a.m. The text simply said "Call me tomorrow, I just want to talk to you." The next day I was still deciding if I was going to call him, when he called AGAIN.
I quickly picked up the phone, and said. "Hey, listen. I am really flattered you are going to all this work, but I am just not interested. I didn't want to mince words for fear he would interpret it as "Please keep calling and texting me."
He then said, he just wanted to see me again. To prove how good of a guy he was, and to show me how much I would like him. (Let me just reiterate, he was one of those jock good looking guys. Who seemed (SEEMED) totally normal.)
I told him I was just heading into work and I had to go. He said "Fine, I'll talk to you later." (Not a real bright guy.) I went to work and told all of my co-workers about the whole situation. They all agreed it was weird, and told me not to answer if he called, and hopefully he would get the picture.
Well about halfway through my shift, my co-worker from the downstairs office called to tell me that a tall guy was looking for me, and had sent him up to see me. I was floored. How did he know which hospital I worked at? Why was he there!?
When he got to the snack bar, he finds a very frustrated and not so happy Caitlin. I see him and say "Do you believe I work at a snack bar now?" We sit down at a table and talk for a total of 2 awkward minutes, where I am mainly just staring at him in annoyance. Then he leaves. I never hear from him again and am relieved.
Well about 2 months later my friend spots him at a party, and strikes up a conversation with him. She asks if he remembers her, and she was the friend of mine from that party. He says "Oh yeah, that didn't work out." My friend laughs and says "Well from what I heard you were pretty into her." To which he replies with "No way, I would never date a deli girl."
When she told me later, I burst out laughing, and from there on out whenever anyone asked me what I did for a living I replied with. "I'm a deli girl." (Hey not everyone can have the ever so glamorous job of working for a trucking company.) Seriously just thinking about it now, cracks me up. It's still to this day one of my favorite "dating" stories.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The tallest stalker I have ever met.

I told her to go and talk to him, but she was nervous, so she asked me if I could go start up a conversation with them and introduce us to him and his friends to get the ball rolling for her. So I agreed and headed over to talk to the group.
After chatting for a while we all talked about hanging out later in the week. That's when "Mr. Tall" asked me for my number. I politely told him he should ask for my friends number, and then he could call her and we could all hang out. My friend pulled me aside and said to just give him my number and then we could all hang out later and maybe she could get to know him better, but it's no big deal if we hit it off. (Which was incredibly cool of her, but I wasn't interested. It wasn't that he wasn't attractive, it was how he treated my friend and me so differently. I didn't love his attitude. It was like he knew he was good looking, and acted in suit.)
I quickly called him and he answered. I was a little put off, but thought maybe it had been a misunderstanding. So we talked and I told him I was at work. He asked where I worked and I told him.
{Let's break for a second. I used to work at a hospital in the snack bar.}
I told him he was going to feel really stupid when he realized that I did indeed work where I said I did. Then asked him how it was working at McDonald's. Scoffing, he said.. "I work at a trucking company." (Like that was some amazing job.)
At this point in the conversation I realized I just wasn't interested. He seemed uppity and disrespectful. So when he asked when we were going to hang out, I told him that I just wasn't feeling it and I was very flattered, but just didn't think it would work out. (I know that seems kind of harsh, but I felt like he was acting like a jerk, he seemed a bit clingy, and I wanted to be honest and not lead him on.)
He huffed something like "Fine, whatever." and we said our goodbyes. I felt kind of bad about it, but figured that would be the end.
Um no, it wasn't the end, little did I know it hadn't even begun. This post is already pretty long, so I will post the rest of the story later this week.
To be continued..
Monday, October 12, 2009
October Weekend
Friday night Bob and I had a date. We saw this movie (which was over the top gory, but seriously funny) And then on Saturday, my sister hosted a brunch. We ate really yummy food. We laughed, talked and relaxed. And followed it all up with this movie. (p.s. don't waste your time seeing it, it was lame.)
The rest of the weekend we moved. I have almost put the kitchen away. Pictures soon I promise.
P.S. The move can't come quickly enough. Our upstairs neighbors are always keeping us up. It's usually Opera singing at the crack of dawn. But this morning around four a.m it sounded more like river dance while screaming at the top of their lungs at each other. Which begs the question.. "What person in their right mind is awake at that hour? At four in the morning I have a hard enough time opening my eyes, let alone getting worked up enough to scream. I imagine one of them stole the blanket and it escalated into a dramatic Broadway musical.
Friday, October 9, 2009
The hippo fiasco

Last night Bob and I moved some stuff out of my parents basement, that they have so kindly let me store for a while.
Well when I asked Bob to take the enormous box of hippo paraphernalia to the car. He told me I was trying to take away his manhood by having those in the house.
"But what about when we have kids?!"
"We'll give them a Metallica shirt to play with. And further more, what person in their right mind saw a ferocious wild animal like the hippo, and decided to make it into a plush toy with a tutu? I'm telling you right now it was a woman."
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I have a zombie sleeping in my bed.
It's okay, we're making it work. Luckily we see each other on weekends, and sometimes get to have dinner together during the week. Since we're on such different schedules we have been pretty wiped out and tired lately. For instance, I have noticed something strange with us when we first wake up.. I think we're turning into zombies. (cue lightning crash and distant shriek)
The alarm goes off and Michael Jackson's Thriller, comes on. We stumble around clumsily in the darkness, we groan and have a hard time waking up enough to really say anything coherent. Then we try to get ready for the day, but my hair usually ends up looking like I just crawled out of a grave.
Don't worry, we're not to that flesh eating phase yet. At least I don't think we are. (insert ghoulish laughter.) Man I wish this blog had sound effects sometimes.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
You say potato, I say shut up.
Cat: "The chest of drawers and my cedar chest."
Bob: "Oh you mean your hope chest with all of your girly keepsakes in it?"
Cat: "It's a cedar chest."
Bob: "Maybe we should just refer to it as your unicorn princess chest from now on."
Cat: "Maybe we should just plan on you sleeping on the couch tonight."
Monday, October 5, 2009
Those circuit training classes are really paying off.

I don't talk about it a lot. I mean I don't like to brag. But yeah, I mean I have muscles. After lugging that huge air conditioner down from the attic. Down some very steep stairs, I felt pretty good about myself. Bob didn't think I could do it. But I showed him, afterwards he was pretty impressed. I just flexed my muscles and told him I was pretty much like the Hulk.
We still have a lot to do, but we did get a chunk out of the way. On a side note, I found some childhood items.. a slap bracelet, Cabbage Patch Kids, those circle loop things you would slide onto your shirts to make them come up a little on the side, and every single one of my trolls. (yeah the 80's were calling)
It was a productive weekend. I am loving this weather today. The sun is shining, and there is a brisk breeze. Hello Monday, it's lovely to see you.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Cheater's never prosper.
Way back before I met Bob, I was dating a guy. Well one of his friends met my friend Alana, and asked her out. So we decided to double and do dinner and games. We had dinner and throughout the evening it became more and more obvious that Alana and this guy were not exactly a love connection. Then we pulled out Cranium. (If you have never played it, it's a game that encompasses drawing, acting, trivia, and multiple choice questions.. kind of like a game of charades + pictionary + trivial pursuit)
We decided to play boys against girls. I should tell you that Alana and I were about 19 or 20 at the time and they were both about ten years older than us. So they sort of had an upper hand on the trivia questions. Well before we could even start playing, Alana's date had to pull out the instructions.. he had to read them aloud before we could begin. Then if we did anything differently from the instructions he would stop the game and refer back to the rules and read them out loud again. He was so incredibly rigid on these rules that it got kind of ridiculous, and I think at one point Alana even teased him by yelling "You're sucking all the fun out of the game!"
Thus his nickname was born.. "Fun-sucker" {We lovingly referred to him for months after. "Alana, you remember that guy you went out with once?" "Oh you mean Fun-sucker?" } So in a way to keep the game fun Alana and I decided we were going to cheat and when they answered a question.. no matter what they said, it was wrong, and we would hurry and put the card back in the middle of the stack. This got to be hysterical for us, because they were both so sure that they were getting every single question right, and were so confused at the fact that we told them they were getting them wrong.
We thought we would win for sure until it came down to an obscure question about a soccer player that was apparently "Fun-sucker's" hero, and we couldn't tell him he was wrong because he would know. We actually ended up still losing even after cheating.. so I guess they're right.. cheater's never prosper.
When I relayed this story to Bob, he rolled his eyes, and said.. well you should have cheated better. Or hid the rules from him.
I give up.
(So if you ever play games with the BobCat, and you see me smack Bob.. you'll know he's cheating.)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The details life offers. {Kind of like the samples Costco hands out on weekends.}

Thankful for the little "me time" I got last night. Which included staying up late, curled up on the sofa in a cozy fleece blanket watching So You Think You Can Dance and Modern Family. The house wasn't hot, there weren't any air conditioners on, it was that perfect snuggly blanket weather. (Don't you wish that was a term the weather man used?.. "And on Wednesday, a little snuggly blanket weather, with a touch of a comfy oversized sweater front.")