This last weekend we threw my sister a surprise party. She has had a rough year and we thought it would be fun to make her feel extra special. I took these pictures of her kids and printed them for her. I know I'm biased since they are my nephews and niece, but I think they are some of the cutest kids out there.

Doesn't the last one make you want to burst out laughing?
these are ALL really wonderful. that top one, oh man those freckles are fantastic (though he might not think so, the are) and yes that last one- awesome!
what a sweet gift for your sisters.
What a fun party, thanks for throwing it. I loved all the pictures you gave Diana. What a great gift and a great talent you have.
Wow, I love the first one, so powerful - and beautiful freckles!!
I love the surprise look on your sister's face. Yes I agree the smiling faces are the best! xoxo
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