I guess that means this weekend, I was a redneck..

I even experienced Cabela's for the first time. I have to say even though I had never shot a gun, never even held a gun (unless a water gun counts) I had a lot of fun. But after seeing the crowd at the gun store.. why do I have the feeling that I now have to grow a beard and get a beer belly?
Looks like a fun time!
And your cousin....and Uncle. You have such a redneck family.
I love it and one of the picture of you looking totally Charlie Angelish ROCKS!
Thanks Caity! We are waiting a few weeks to officially celebrate our anniversary since my mom, sister, and brother will all be here visiting this weekend. We are thinking of going to Nashville but aren't sure yet. Nothing too extravagant but whatever we do it will be AMAZING! lol luvs!
Ha! Ha!
Better get working on the beer belly! I've never been to Cabeleas either, how was it?
I seriously thought I was going to click on her and see a picture of my husband...ha ha ha.. We love to go shoot clay pigions that is way fun!!! try that next time..
o but you need a shot gun...i'll let you borrow my pink one:)
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