So I think we have decided on a destination for our anniversary this year. We are thinking sunny San Diego. Bob has never been and I have been wanting to go back. We found some cheap plane tickets and a great hotel right on the beach in La Jolla. So I need suggestions on what to do while we're there.
We know we will kayak the La Jolla caves and Bob has been wanting to surf since our honeymoon. But we are staying for five days and need some suggestions on what else we can't miss.
Also I loved Sea World when I went, but what about the San Diego Zoo? I have never been and heard it's cool. What about yummy restaurants we can't miss? Any ideas for us?
Love San Diego!!! You need to go over to Coronado Island. Shop and visit the Hotel Del Coronado. It's beautiful and has T H E most beautiful beach. The sand is so clean and white. The hotel also has a place to wash it off when it's driving you crazy! There is a restaurant that Julie Tolman loves but we could never find it...ask her about it! If you're into Ghosts we hit the Whaley house which is supposed to be the most haunted house in America. We didn't see anything but Angie Baggley Hansen flying down the stairs. The Whaley house is right near Little Mexico...you could take in both easily in one afternoon. Maybe I should email you all my ideas...I'm running on!
There is the best Bakery/Deli right on the Main St of La Jolla that my Mom and Sister's and I just went to. I will call my Mom and get the name and address. They also have the best bread and sugar cookies. Sea World is great I am not crazy about the Zoo or the Wild Animal Kingdom. We also love Anthony's that is in San Diego right by the Airport. If you like Fish this is the best place.
The Zoo is awesome, and the wild animal park is pretty cool too, you can get discounted tickets at Costco. also if you are in the mood for Chinese there is Pae We Restaurant, that's a Cheaper version of PF Changs or there is pick up Sticks that's really good also, just an idea, have fun!
We loved Sea World and Six Flags. The Wild animal Park was too hot when we were there (summer) so I think I'd bypass that...isn't you're anniversary in the summer?
Plus, it was really really slow. Maybe better when you have kids.
Have fun planning!
I say just sit on the beach and relax. But that is just me.
Hey so negative on the zoo but do the wild animal park!! it is the coolest thing ever. it shows the animals in the closest thing to their natural habitate as possible. you ride a little train thing but they have so much land they have made acres of different habitats. So AMAZING!! Good choice on La jolla it is my favorite beach there! There is THEE best pizza place called BJs pretty close to the temple. It is a little bit further away but so worth it! I will find out where if you need me to!
I love San Diego. Go to Balboa Park for sure. We also went to San Juan Capistrano (an old Spanish mission). We ate at lots of yummy places, but I don't remember their names. There was a yummy restaurant in Balboa Park that I loved. I wanted everything on the menu (which isn't common for me, I'm kinda picky).
Oh, I'm so jealous!
Oh, and for sure go to Extraordinary Desserts (I think that is the name). They only serve desserts, they are amazing and they are open late. It is close to Balboa park.
Have a great time! And happy anniversary! Cheers!
You really should go over to the Hotel Del Coronado. It's in the book 1000 places to see before you die.
And why don't you just bring me along as your tour guide? Really, it's worth the extra dinero. I do speak a little espanol.
HOW FUN!!! I am jealous!!! We had kids a little too fast! lol you will have to post about it afterwards!!! 3rd anniversary already?!!?! holy crap!
Caity, We have donethe wild animal park and the zoo. They are both huge. We got to feed giraffes at the wild animal park and go on their ride through the animals' habitats. so cool! If you like being right there with the animals do the wild animal park, it is our favorite!
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