(insert story here)
It was the very first time I went to visit Bob's parents in Washington. (we were still dating at the time) I was trying to make a good impression, but I am sure by the end of the trip they thought I was a bizarre Utah girl. Well one night Bob and I decided to go get pizza and a movie for everyone. After ordering our pizza we had to wait for a little bit, so we went outside to walk around. What did I spot?! A quarter machine containing tattoos. I pleaded with Bob, and told him we both had to get one. I'm sure at this point Bob was wondering what he had gotten himself into dating me.
He looked in his pockets and only had enough change for one tattoo. I told him that just wouldn't do. We had to find more change. We went to the car and turned the thing inside out trying to find any change we could. After the car we were about 33 cents short. So we decided to take to the streets and look all over the ground. Okay, it was probably more my idea than Bob's. He kept saying. "It's really okay, I don't need a tattoo." But I assured him he did.
Well we were wearing flip flops and as we crossed through a parking lot without noticing we walked through a ton of prickly stickers. We both had to sit down and look at the bottom of our shoes. They were completely covered with these things that were hanging on for dear life. After finally getting them all out, I told Bob we should go to the gas station on the corner and see if they had any coins in their penny cup. (We were like 3 cents short and I wasn't giving up now.) And to ask them to change the miscellaneous coins into two quarters. I think at this point Bob just wanted to get me out of public.
He walked in and about 4 minutes later came out laughing hysterically. He told me that after asking if he could get his change in quarters that the lady at the check out told him of course, and then told him he could take all of the extra money in the dish too. He needed it more than any of her customers. Yes, that's right, she thought he was homeless or something.
We were both laughing as we headed back to the pizza place and to get our tattoos. When Bob's brother called to see when we were going to be home with the pizza and movie. Bob is on the phone telling him about our crazy antics when all of the sudden I felt a really bad pain in my foot. We both looked down and there was a puddle of blood around my foot. I picked up my foot to find I had just stepped on a huge piece of glass, it had gone through the flip flop and it was stuck in my foot.
Bob quickly told Mike that he would have to call him back because Caity was bleeding and there was a lot of blood. He pulled out the glass and I limped back to the car. Mike was calling every two minutes worried that something bad had happened. Then Bob's mom started calling worried. The whole while I am laughing hysterically because none of these mishaps would have happened were it not for my crazy need for a tattoo.
We got home and everyone was worried about what had happened and we had to explain our little adventure. I remember feeling like such an idiot. Good news though. We both were able to get a tattoo and they were beautiful...

Now when Bob sees me headed for a quarter machine, he steers me in the other direction.
Those tattoos are almost AUTHENTIC looking. And worth the entire .50 cents! :)
Yes - you are a fun girl! Remember that you were so nice to bring Mike and I a tattoo also. So thoughtful....gotta love the Caity:)
Oh yeah, I forgot that. The tattoos were like double or something, so we cut them in half for you and Mike. I don't remember if you actually wore yours or not though!
That's too funny!!! I love the butterfly one!!!
Why would anyone want a tattoo?!? ;oP
Fun story! ....well, except for the glass in your foot.
That is such a cute story :)
This is exactly the reason that I love you so much! You may be crazy, but there is also never a dull moment with you around.
Caity, you're awesome!!
I love this story! So cute... That is so funny. I am totally all about quirky/weird things you love to do. I always want quarter machine bubble gum.....
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