In medium bowl, mix together peanut butter, sugar and egg. Shape dough into "fingers" (about 5/8 inch in diameter) and place on a cookie sheet. Make indentations for knuckles with edge of spoon.
a. An encounter between opposing forces
b. Armed fighting; combat: wounded in battle.
The opposing forces:
The battle:
Caitlin's arguments..
It's one of the tree's we had at our reception (our colors were brown and pink) It has significance and whenever I look at it, I think of our wedding day. Plus it's cute!
Robert's arguments..
We don't live in a chick's apartment. It's not manly.
For the last two years we have had this tree in our apartment and I have never heard the end of it. Now that we are moving, Bob insists there is no room for it. Which I think translates to.. finally! a chance to get rid of that tree.
It's going to be a bloody day on the battlefield..
Am packing up old mixed tapes, tape players and mission tapes. Yearbooks, concert tickets and old notes passed in middle school. This was where Bob first told me he loved me. It was where we spent our first Valentines Day. (We spread out an indoor picnic on the hardwood floors in the front room. comfortable? no. romantic? you bet.)
Bob has been so good to let me mourn over our little apartment no matter how silly it is. But he gave me a good reminder. We will always have the memories, and the good times will follow us to the new place. We will continue to make more memories there. We get the keys today, let the new memories begin..
You can see that Bob has now turned into a mountain man. He figures since he is in school full time with no job, he can justify growing out his hair and beard, I think it's funny.
Saturday was Aubrie's bridal shower, and I totally spaced taking any pictures. Boo! After the shower it was off to Ikea with Eric. I found darling Christmas wrapping paper, and Eric? Well he purchased one glass, and looked sort of silly carrying it around. Bob met us at Red Robin and we had one of our famous (well famous to us) How I Met Your Red Robin nights. Which really is just us going to Red Robin and then following it up by watching How I Met Your Mother. Then somehow I was talked into watching Deep Impact while we ate our yummy festive sour cream apple pie.
Sunday it was off to the parents to do some laundry and on my way out I even stopped to enjoy the pretty sunset and fall leaves..
My mom made me one of my all time favorite desserts. Peach Buckle (Imagine heaven in your mouth, then add peaches.) While we ate, we played domino's, and by the time my laundry was finished I was far too tired to go home, so it turned into an impromptu sleep over. Which is always fun.. my mom even woke up with me this morning and packed me a little lunch for work.. diet coke included. She wins best mom award.
Why do weekends always whiz by so fast?!
When your weekend includes..
- Coloring on pumpkins
- Making masks out of paper plates and plotting ways to scare people with them
- Watching High School Musical
- Having a sleepover where you blow up an air mattress to sleep on and everyone stays up laughing until one in the morning
- Eating endless junk food
- Rocking out to Disney music in the car
You must be hanging out with kids.
We had so much fun hanging out with these very entertaining kids.
Sometimes when I get bored in the car, I pull out the camera. Needless to say Bob gets annoyed and calls me the paparazzi. Here is the typical sequence..
1. slightly annoyed
2. annoyed
3. slightly past annoyed
We both have this funny and slightly sadistic thing in our marriage where we try to annoy each other to get the funny outcome and overall entertain ourselves. Does this mean we need marriage counselling? I don't think so, we are having fun.