Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
* Brown, Brown, Brown.. *

It seems like I don't get to spend enough time in my bed. Like this morning, when I looked at the clock and was supposed to be jumping out of bed, I swear I heard the bed whisper ever so slightly.. "But it's cold, just stay for a while. Just turn over and go back to sleep." Let me tell you, my bed is one smooth talker.
2. Potatoes (yes, I know technically the dirt is the brown part, but work with me people.)

3. Chocolate
What can be said? Chocolate is a seductress isn't she? Sure strawberry shortcake is cute. Sure banana cream pie is sassy, and who can snub a fruit tart? But chocolate. I like your style.
Whether it be in brownies, pies, cookies, cakes, candies whatever. I love it. So yesterday I made a point to eat as much of it as I could. You know strictly for this brown post. I had no choice really. It was a dirty job, but I was up for the challenge.

(Bob's aunt Nita gave us a gift card for Applebees and when Bob asked what I wanted for dessert, I laughed and said well it's brown day, so um we better go with the chocolate melt down. For the sake of the blog. He just rolled his eyes.)
P.S. Did anyone notice the amazing moon last night? This was the view from our street. Since we didn't have a tripod handy it's a tad blurry. But what an amazing sight. This is part of the reason why I love living down town!

Thursday, January 29, 2009
* Roses are red.. *
It's the color of my hair

It's the yummiest color. (when I was a kid it didn't matter what kind of candy someone offered me, I always went for the red)

Red spices up any outfit. Whether it's red shoes, red jewelry or a red bag with a red day planner.

It means Valentines Day, and my birthday. It means hearts.

But the best thing about red to me, is that it means LOVE.

Happy {Red} Day!
Thanks to Eric for participating in red day. and kim too.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
* Fun Sale *
* They call me Mellow Yellow. *

Let's relax and just chill out..the suns shining.. (or at least it was yesterday when I took this picture.)

Let's change out of our work clothes..

And into something comfy..

Put on some good music..

Close our eyes and recharge. I didn't have any cucumbers, and those are green, so I opted for the next best thing..

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
* It's not easy being green. *
hopped in her white car (but since it's green day we are a little prejudiced against those white cars.)

Monday, January 26, 2009
* I'm Blue.. *

The funny thing is, I had completely forgotten that Monday was blue day until we were sitting down and I glanced at the neon blue sign. I laughed and said well this is perfect considering it's blue day on Monday. Bob just sat there confused and waited for me to fill him in. He then noticed we were even wearing blue. Me in my blue and white striped shirt and him in his blue hooded zip up. This blue stuff is pretty easy I guess, because it all happened on accident!

I was going to have Bob video tape me doing a funny dance or something, but I kept busting up laughing. That song is the stupidest song ever. I once asked Bob what he thought was the worst song of all time. His reply? "That ridiculous blue song. The whole thing is gibberish!"
Anyway.. Happy {Blue} Monday!
Eric played along for blue day too. (click to see) so did Linda, thanks guys! (Kim did too, but she's on private)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
* Rainbows in Blogland *
(i am changing a few of the colors to my fancy though)
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Green
Wednesday- Yellow
Thursday- Red
Friday- Brown
So play along if you like, if you don't feel like it, that's okay too, but simplycaitlin is going to be simply colorful for the next week.
Thanks for the idea Melissa (and Melissa's friend who I don't know.)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
* Communication is important. *
Bees dance when they have found nectar. (The scout bee will dance in the hive, and the dance directs other bees to the location of the nectar.)
Chimpanzees greet each other by touching hands.
Male fiddler crabs wave their giant claw to attract female fiddler crabs.
White-tailed deer show alarm by flicking up their tails.
Dogs stretch their front legs out in front of them and lower their bodies when they want to play.
Elephants show affection by entwining their trunks.
Giraffes press their necks together when they are attracted to each other.
Gorillas stick out their tongues to show anger.
Kangaroos thump their hind legs to warn others of danger.
Prairie dogs bare their teeth and press their mouths together to discover if they are friends or foes.
Whales leap out of the water repeatedly to send messages to other whales.
Swans entwine their long necks both to fight and to court.
Horses rub noses as a sign of affection.
And what do two adult males do to communicate? Let me tell you a story.
The other night Bob and I were getting out of the car to go in the house, when a guy down the street locks his car by pressing his key fob and making his car honk.
Just then Bob does the same thing with our car to lock it. The guy down the street stops walking, looks at us, presses his button and honks the horn once again. Causing Bob to stop, look at him, press our button and honk our horn again.
(By this point I have stopped along with the males and am looking back and forth at them in disbelief. Was this actually happening?)
It was the funniest thing, we were all laughing, but we were so far away from the guy (that we didn't know) it's not like we could have a conversation. So he honks his horn again, then Bob, then him, then Bob. I am laughing and edging towards the house. Then he gives one more honk and goes into his apartment, so Bob hurries and honks our horn once more and goes inside. What do we hear two seconds later? That's right. Honk.
So there you have it. Like geese, human males communicate much the same way. Or at least that's what it seems from my brief studies the other night. Bob says girls communicate in high pitched voices while hugging each other profusely.
(Info on how animals communicate from an excerpt in The End of Stress as We Know It)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
* If you are like me.. *

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Mr. Diet Coke..

Sometimes we even take baths together. Don't judge me.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Random January Weekend

(yes, that is a very decadent and calorie filled dessert, but please notice the water! baby steps people, baby steps.)
On the way out we saw this car and I made Bob take a picture next to it with his phone.

I love that it says legal and single. Since Bob and I aren't single I thought I would put it on my blog in case any of you are looking for a date. ;)

The last one looks like there is a ghost snake with us in the car. Spoooky. When we finally got out of the madness which was downtown, we decided to rent Eagle Eye. Though it had plot holes, it was very entertaining and considering we only spent a dollar since it's at RedBox it was totally worth it. I have decided I really Shia LaBeouf, or Boofy as Bob calls him.
Love these weekends!
Friday, January 16, 2009
I'm gonna let you in on a sweet secret..

Happy 60th!

Thursday, January 15, 2009
One of these things doesn't belong..

Can you see the concern on my face? Then it was the chef's turn.

Was it messy? YES!

(Mine is on the left. It was a really large sandwich, so I had a little left over, because I was so stuffed.)

Yeah, right! The donut sandwich was pretty good, but it's one of those extremely filling, calorie filled monster sandwiches that you only try every once in a while. I think I will stick to my plain bagel with a couple slices of cheese for now.