I *heart* post it notes..

Oh the post it.
What doesn't it do?
1. handy
2. dandy
3. organizer (which is right up my alley)
A story including the post it notes..
When I was coming home from my mission for my church. My dear friend Holli sent me a package, it was wrapped up and had a ton of tape, so I thought I would wait to open it until I got on the plane.
I thought wrong. I must have looked suspicious because a very large woman stopped me after I went through the security check point. She told me she was going to have to rifle through my carry on bag and that I was going to have to open the package I was holding.
My mind quickly thought of what could be in there? Had Holli sent me something questionable? Perhaps a weapon of some sort? Hmm, I nervously told her I didn't know what was in it. She gave me a look like "Yeah, sure you don't, I didn't think I looked like a drug smuggler, but apparently she thought I did. I started to strip the tape off the package, I had to pick at the edge of the tape and get it off in strips because I couldn't use a sharp object. (I'm apparently a security threat at this point and I wonder if she thought I might snatch a pair of dull scissors and make a run with them, holding them over my head, screaming down the tarmac?)
Anyway.. I finally get the package opened (after struggling quite a bit) and nervously handed it over to Ms. Large and in Charge. Fearing that if she did find a questionable object, she might actually break me like a twig.
She peered into the package.. my palms are sweating.. (not really, but it makes the story more intense huh?) She looks in..looks at me..looks back in.. gives me a strange face and hands the package back to me and walks off without even a grunt. (She seemed the type that might be a grunter.)
I bet you want to know what was in the package huh? Well I'm not gonna tell you. Okay I will. It was filled with a million sticky note pads. Green, purple, pink, standard yellow, even some with polka dots. Holli informed me in the note included that she went through a ton of these when she was on her mission.
Thus when my journey into the hearting of post it notes began. And I'll have you know that I still have four pads left. I'm not kidding. It's been about three plus years and I still haven't used them all up! Thanks Holli, for one of the most useful, fun gifts!
(what the big lady didn't realize is that the sticky part of the note was laced with acid. we'll just keep that a scissor..er.. secret though)
Well happy Monday and happy February! (It's one of my favorite months.) Oh and Happy Ground Hogs Day! I heard that dang squirrel saw his shadow.
I also *heart* post-its. I seriously could not live at work without them. Cute post! I'm excited to see what else you heart.
I had no clue that happened! How funny! The fact that you STILL have some from that is awesome! I'm glad I could inspire such a love in your life! :)
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