My favorite thing from this weekend?
SUNSHINE! (finally!)
I even drove with my windows down.

I needed a weekend like this. Do you ever feel like when it's winter that you are living in a dark cave? It usually doesn't start to really bug me until mid February, and then
I'm done.
Bob and I started out our weekend by deep cleaning our apartment which meant our side door was open so we could feel the cool breeze. Which also means that our interesting next door neighbors were out and we could observe the oddities.
(What's that? We have weird neighbors at our new place too? Um, yes... yes we do. Oh boy we do.)
Imagine (if you will) that guy in suspenders that you see on t.v. describing the aliens that abducted him. And the lady with crazy straw hair that holds a pitch fork.
These.. um.. hill billi--er neighbors of ours have this car that they pull up right outside our door that has about 40 axe markings on the hood. Yes, these people have an ax that they swing into the hood of their car. (Better the car, than unsuspecting neighbors)
Well they were out smoking on the hood of their car, and they had a bright idea to grab some couches that have been out by the dumpster for as long as we have lived there. I'm not kidding when I say these couches have been snowed and rained on, are filthy from the garbage and smell like stale bananas. They grabbed the couches and had their friends come and visit them in an enormous trailer that they parked out in front of
our apt. and they all had a party.
They were out on those couches smoking until that night. All the while us getting that nice cool smokey breeze wafting into our apt. And every once in a while I heard a loud banging sound. I have no idea what it was, but I bet you it had something to do with an axe.
At least it made for an interesting day and it was nice to have sunshine for a bit. Hope you all had a nice sunny weekend. Happy Monday!