We had a great Saturday night with our friends. Went to our favorite Thai place, and then back to our apartment for Rock Band. (Amy and Matt left before we could break out the camera.)
I don't want to brag, but we are pretty hard core. We rocked every one's faces off as Bob would say.
what a blast, you guys look like you had so much fun!! So I ran into Brad Bricker at church yesterday, and he informed me that he was getting married in a few weeks. Are you two coming for it?
We really really want to. Bob is still trying to figure out if he can miss school for it. Hopefully though! I love Bradley, and Talina is really nice too, we hung out with them in Seattle for a day.
Looks like a lot of fun... I hope you guys make it for the wedding... Sean really wants to make the trip to the Tri for it and it would be good to see you guys again.
Looks like fun - and you guys sure do rock hard!
Holli is such a cute girl! I miss her!
Yes, let's def get together and do a girl's night...Britt and I have been talking about getting together for a long long time to go out with just the girls. Do you still have my number? Give me a call and let's figure out a time that works for all of us!
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