Nita and I got matching Sheryl Crow t-shirts.
Bob and I had a lot of fun hanging out on the lawn. Bob tells me I'm too picture crazy, but if I was going to smuggle in a camera, I was going to get good use out of it!
She even played my favorite song "I Can't Cry Anymore" (am making Bob teach me how to play it on the guitar) I was going crazy singing and dancing.
Such a fun night! Thanks to Nita, Brad, and Bob who were so fun to hang out with!
I want one. (maybe that way waking up wouldn't be so hard, or I could sleep while the machine does it's magic)
(Do you remember Trapper Keepers?! I loved them, except mine usually looked more like this..)
I would put all this in my backpack (that I would only sling over one shoulder because that was the hip thing to do) and skip off to school. Speaking of how hip I was..
I wonder if I could get away with that outfit now, not to mention the sweet side pony.