Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 2010

June has been a busy month. Trips, celebrations, plenty of BBQ, and yummy food. For the first part of the month, it seemed pretty chilly and rainy, but then the sun came out, and has been beating down on us since. Summer is officially here, and I'm loving it.

My stomach is still not my best friend, but so much stress has been lifted from my life this past week, that I really can't complain. Every thing has been sorted out with our medical bills, the car accident from February, and I have been easing back into my workouts.

I can't wait to see what July holds in store for us. Two trips have been planned, not to mention a couple of fun holidays are just around the corner. See ya June, I'm ready to welcome July with open arms.


Cate said...

caitlin, so glad to hear that you are feeling better. poor thing! and your stomach must be just a little happier knowing that that delicious corn is coming its way. happy summer to you!

MisterE said...

I am loving these monthly recaps, I just wish they would come at a slower pace. Wasn't it just New Years?

The VIPs said...

LOVE your photography