I have always felt for the most part that Halloween is kind of a kids holiday. I have had fun Halloween's in the past, but have never really gotten into it since I have been an adult. Well this year I changed all that. I realized that most of my friends have kids and would be taking them trick or treating. So I decided to get some childless friends together this year, and throw a little dinner party.
(Well except for Ami and Jon, but their kids are older, so it worked out that they could come.)I hand delivered my invites.. (yes those are fingers.. find the recipe

And then I got to brainstorming on some spooky decorations and details.
(I must admit Martha helped me out.) 
I bought pumpkins, and gutted them so we could serve soup in them. Bob made some yummy skewers, and poppers. And then the guests brought yummy side dishes to add to the meal.

After dinner we played a couple games, chatted, and laughed a lot.

I realized after the party that for a lot of the pictures I had my camera on the wrong setting, so most of my pictures were pretty blurry and hazy. But I will just say I did it on purpose to make everyone look spooky and ghostly.

Among the group we had a white trash wedding. (Aubrie's pregnant), a witch, a match, and Cleopatra and Mark Antony. Everyone looked great.
I have to say we had a lot of fun this year. Thanks to everyone who came and made it so fun. Next party to think about? Our annual Christmas party. I think I might try to revel in this month first. Happy November!