My alarm clock went off too early this morning and was blaring "Hungry Eye's" from Dirty Dancing. I then stumbled around getting ready with my eyes half open.. and what do I spot in the mirror? A very long white hair? I don't think I like how this Thursday is shaping up. Excuse me while I crawl back into bed.
Do you ever just have one of those weeks? This is one of those weeks. Wake me when it's over?
HEY...I just wanted to tell you that your BEAUTIFUL!!!!! seriously in every picture of you is so good!!! your way way photogenic(sorry if i spelled it wrong) hope your week starts looking up...the weekend is almost here:)
I'm sorry you're having a bad day (or week)... You are lovely and don't worry because everyone has white hair. I have 2 that grow out of a birthmark on my head... I bet that's where yours came from too!
Hopefully your weekend will make this terrible Thursday an after thought. Do something fabulous... (and of course, blog about it!)
It's almost Friday! I don't feel bad about your white hair. My head is full of grey's! :) You mean your morning soundtrack didn't make you happy? Dirty Dancing??? Come on!
Ditto! I can't believe their is still one more day until the weekend!!! I cried today and Elle started laughing at me if that makes you feel better.
(Cried because my self esteem post pregnancy SUCKS! I keep telling myself I just need a better attitude but I can't find one in any one the stores, they must be all sold out)
Ha! Ug... those pesky white hairs!! Mine totally skipped grey and went straight to white!! And it's only in one little section of my head... And I'm only 30 something! Early 30 something at that!! Do I sound a little bitter... maybe a tad! :)
Happy Day to you... Friday will be better! They always are!
Hi! and thak you for your comment on my blog! :)
What is it with days that start with T...Tuesday, Thursday. Hang in there the weekend is almost here and that means time to sleep!
Oh heck, and to top it all off..it just had to snow in April.
Hey Caitlin- Ha! Ha! I think you should take this weekend and start writing your first novel. It would be hysterical...OK?...
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