If I were going to sum up 2010 in one word, I think I would choose
CHAOS. It was one hectic year. So my goal for 2011 is to make my word
A lot has changed in just these few short weeks of 2011. The biggest is that I have a new job. It is in a lot of ways way better than my last job. The only slight drawback is that I don't have all the free time to blog and edit pictures that I did before.
Part of my goal to become more balanced, is to put my priorities in order. Unfortunately last year I tried to do everything. Instead of doing the important things first and then letting the less important stuff come as I had time for it. Which really just means I was trying to do everything and was pretty much falling short every time. Which caused me to feel a lot of anxiety.
Anyway, I am going to do my best to blog as much as I can. But for now it might be a little sparse as I try to balance my life. (This week I had time to schedule a post a day.) Hope 2011 is going well for all of you. Mine has been an adventure so far. But more on that later.