Sorry I have been M.I.A this week. It's been a tough one. Let's just say that 2010 is not my year. But now I am back and feeling better. So as promised I thought I would post the rest of the cabin pictures. Yes, I know it was a while back, but I finally finished editing them.

Being at the cabin was so nice. It was comfy, and the people we spent time with are some of our favorites. Tom and Celeste were the best hosts, they made us feel right at home.

We did a little four wheeling, exploring, and fishing. (Thanks to Tom for being such a good guide and introducing us to gorgeous Ashton.)

But for the most part we just hung out at the cabin, ate good food, played games, talked, and just relaxed. And believe me, that was fine by us! We needed a little vacation away to recharge our batteries and this trip did just that.

I always love spending time with family, so it was so fun to have not only Tom and Celeste's cute family to hang out with, but his Grandpa Bob, Uncle Brad, Aunt Nita, and Cousin Amy came up as well. Not to mention all of those darling kiddos running around.

Oh and who could forget Tom and Celeste's pup Daisy?

I also learned about a weird tradition on Bob's side of the family. Apparently they like to take pictures with things up their noses. So when Bob showed me, part of me was cracking up and part of me wanted to run in the other direction.