These three little girls belong to some of my dearest friends. They are close in age, and I feel like they all used to be tiny little babies such a short time ago. At my party they were all running around together and I couldn't believe how much they had grown and turned into big girls.

28 was a hard one for me this year. Not because of anything specific, but I think because 28 was the age. The age where I thought I would have my own little one running around. Or if not that, I thought I would be running around in my size six jeans. In shape and running marathons. Or perhaps I thought I would have my very own house.
All these things sprang into my head when I realized I hit an age that I had put expectations on myself. Now let me just say, that I am extremely blessed to be where I am right now, and it's not that I don't love my life how it is, but I think I had to adjust my thinking this year.
And as much as I would love to have my own little peanut, bean, or bug right now, it's just not the right time. I have accepted that. We're working towards it, and I think we're really close, but for right now I am happy to live with my best friend who makes me laugh every single day. Especially tonight when he acted out a 2 minute version of Black Swan that had me laughing until I was crying.
Yep, I think it's safe to say that even though I didn't know I would be here at 28, I am content. And I'm determined to make this my year.